Join us for 'Managing the clinical challenges of spinal cord injury' on March 27
An event designed to advance your knowledge and understanding of the physical, emotional and social impacts of SCI and helping to improve treatment outcomes and provide more holistic care.
By bringing together experts in the field, this event is an opportunity for them to share their experiences and explore best practices for managing SCI.
Part of the event will offer concurrent educational sessions, where you will select the topic of your choice to attend, but you will gain access to on-demand viewing of all session after the event. See our agenda for the range of topics which will be covered. This event is aimed at all healthcare professionals who work with patients with a SCI or have an interest in this field.
The closing session, which takes the form of a panel discussion and Q&A, will offer an opportunity to reflect on what has been covered and how you can apply that knowledge in practice. Questions can be submitted throughout the event.
The Spinal Injuries Association is committed to a singular vision: a fulfilled life for everyone affected by spinal cord injury. We are the expert, guiding, voice for life after spinal cord injury.
SIA's Frank Williams Academy is underpinned by four main principles:
- Healthcare professional training
- Patient education
- Research and development
- Policy and practice
All of which link to our 2030 strategy plans.
Through SIA's Frank Williams Academy we deliver relevant, quality training and education to a range of healthcare professionals and health care settings. Building expertise across the sector helps us to achieve one of our key goals: a health and care system that works for people with spinal cord injury (SCI).